Playing video games is indeed an activity that works both for fun and for killing time. From children to parents, happy to play video games, especially nowadays there are many sophisticated devices that can spoil the eyes of gamers with very nice graphics. The hours spent are not felt when playing coolly alone or with other people. There are even those who are willing to sacrifice their rest time to play either to complete a game title, raise levels in online games, or just play together with friends.
This is certainly not good when the time that should be used for activities that are beneficial to the health of the body such as exercise and rest is instead used to play video games. Many bad consequences and diseases that will arise due to sitting too long and fixated on the video game screen. The following are the diseases that often arise.

1. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

This disease has long been associated with computer use that exceeds reasonable limits, so it is not surprising that it is also a symptom of physical addiction to playing video games. According to research from the American Health and Human Services, the reasonable time limit for the use of computers and television monitors is two hours a day. When it crosses this line, the main nerve between the forearm and wrist will begin to be depressed due to the use of a computer mouse which can also cause irritation and swelling. This occurs when the carpal tunnel – the wrist area that covers the main nerves and tendons – becomes irritated or swollen. Can also occur when using excessive video game controllers.
In addition, the position of the mouse and keyboard placement is also one of the factors causing this disease. If the table height does not match the body position which causes the keyboard position not within reasonable arm reach, the wrist may be forced to bend to adjust the position of the keyboard, so that in the long run it can cause injury. Likewise with the placement of the mouse caused by the available space on the table.

2. Migraine

One type of headache that is often complained of by people who live in large cities is the next headache or better known as migraine. This disease generally attacks adolescents both women and men who have extra busyness so that they sometimes forget to eat and drink. It can also occur in people who spend a lot of time sitting in front of a computer, monitor, or just spending time. Migraine headaches usually start in one place, slowly spread, and get more painful over time.
In severe cases, pain can be so extreme that the sufferer feels nauseous and vomiting. Usually it will be sensitive to light and excessive noise so that it can cause extreme pain. Someone who plays video games for a long time is more susceptible to migraines because it requires intense concentration and tension that occurs in the eyes.

3. Sleep Disorders / Insomnia

Sleep can be divided into two types / phases, namely REM and non-REM sleep (NREM). In normal sleep, both phases always occur with a duration of about 90 minutes per phase. NREM itself has 4 phases, where the fourth phase is the deepest / deepest phase. REM phase is the fourth phase and is often called the dream phase. But when the cycle is disrupted, or when a person does not experience the REM and NREM cycles normally, the body will experience various adverse effects such as feeling tired, decreased ability to concentrate, disturbed body metabolism, and so forth.
Sleep disturbance is caused, in part, by excessive stimulation of the brain due to too long staring at the screen so that it interferes with the time and quality of sleep that should be. However, some people cannot get a good night’s sleep just because they think too much about the title of the video game they are playing due to the effect of the intensity when playing the game.

4. Back pain

Back pain is a feeling of pain in the lumbosacral and sacroiliacal regions. This disease is included in the type of musculoskeletal disorder, which is caused by the use of computers beyond normal limits ranging from muscle and tendon weakness or neck and back pain to cumulative trauma. The most common cause of low back pain is sitting too long in the same position, wrong sitting posture – which is usually caused by the position of the chair which is also wrong both the backrest and its position on the monitor, and excessive activity.

Back pain is a common physical symptom of people who are addicted to playing games because most gamers stay in the same position for hours to play a game title. Lack of body movement during playing games causes stiffness and pain, but can worsen into chronic back problems.

5. Computer Vision Syndrome
This disease is caused by staring at a computer monitor screen over a reasonable time limit. Gamers who are too cool to play games generally often forget about it for various reasons. Whether because it was in the middle of a battle arena that could not be stopped even for a moment to rest, was cool chatting with playmates, curious about the story line that was presented by the game, and many more reasons that made gamers feel at home staring at the monitor screen.

Some symptoms of this disease that often arise are headache, blurred vision, neck pain, redness in the eyes, fatigue, eye strain, dry eyes, eye irritation, double vision, vertigo / dizziness, polyopia, and difficulty in focusing the eyes. These symptoms can be further aggravated by improper lighting conditions (such as monitor glare that is too glare) or air moving towards the eyes caused by the position of the fan placement.

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