Nerve clamping or Herniated Nucleus Pulposus (HNP) can be caused by many things, such as old age, obesity, weak muscles (because of rarely exercise), certain movements, lifting heavy loads and sedentary lifestyles. HNP is more commonly experienced by men than women, according to the Health Line website. The main symptoms of nerve clamping are pain or discomfort in the area where the cushion is pinched. Some people sometimes do not realize that they experience nerve clamps and only think of ordinary back pain. As a result, if not treated immediately, HNP can cause various health complications. What’s worse is permanent nerve damage, because the protruding pads will constantly press or pinch the nerves until gradually stopping nerve impulses in some affected areas. From starting subjective complaints such as pain, numbness, tingling to motor disorders: paralysis (partial or total), and autonomic nervous disorders: unable to hold urine and defecation, unable to erect (in men), “explained the neurosurgeon, Dr. Roslan Yusni Hasan, SpBS. Another long-term complication is called saddle anesthesia. In that case, protruding pads push down the nerves and make you lose sensation in the area of the inner thighs, back of the legs, and the rectum. any segment in the spine, but more commonly complained is in the lumbar (waist), cervical (neck) and thoracal (chest). Use Luvina Stretcher, Enough 10-minute treatment every day, can help relieve neck pain, low back pain, nerves clamp and keep your spinal structure healthy.