After a day of activity the body needs time to rest. Sleep is the right time to rest your body and mind. But sleep will cause problems if you choose the wrong pillow. A pillow that isn’t comfortable to use will actually cause back pain.
There are various types of pillows that you can use. But not all pillows are good for your health. Here are some types of pillows and their effects on your health:
1. Kapuk pillows
This pillow made from cotton will feel slippery when held. But this type of pillow is very easy to get dust and mites that can interfere with your health. Kapok pillows are not recommended for people with asthma because they can trigger asthma attacks. Dry the pillows as often as possible to reduce the dust of the mites nesting in cotton cushions.
2. Foam Pillows
This pillow is filled with synthetic materials such as sponges. The disadvantage of this type of pillow is that it feels hot when used.
3. Memory Foam
This type of pillow is made of Polyurethane which is a type of foam material. The memory foam material takes a long time to return to its original shape. This pillow is comfortable to use because it can absorb sweat well.
4. Dakron
Dakron is made of very fine plastic fibers. The surface of the dacron pillow, which is filled in a folded manner, will feel smooth and of higher quality. If it is filled with a lumpy way, the surface becomes uneven and the quality becomes less good. Heavy dacron pillows are better because the dacron pillow will collapse.
This pillow made of rubber latex has a harder and more flat surface compared to dacron pillows. Latex pillows are suitable for people who have problems with the cervix and spine. Latex is also free from mites so it is suitable for those who usually suffer from allergies.