Many people are not aware of the danger of sleeping with an outdated mattress. In fact, there are many negative effects on sleeping an old mattress.
The mattress that we use for sleep also affects health. There are many reasons that make us have to replace the old mattress.
The Reader’s Diggest page released a series of dangers of sleeping on an outdated mattress.
1. Causes allergies
Bill Fish, as a certified sleep coach, said there was a possibility of dust mites on old mattresses.
Meanwhile, the duration of sleep that is good for health is 7-9 hours every night.
“When sleeping, the body releases dead skin and natural oils that can invite mites,” he said.
According to him, dust mites can live on various types of mattresses. The older the bed, the more mites that live in it.
This is what causes allergies and worsens asthma.
Based on the narrative of John D. Ramirez Jr. of the Florida Orthopedic Institute, mites also have the potential to cause skin diseases such as eczema.
Mite droppings, in particular, are the highest cause of allergies.
2. Aggravating asthma
Noah Siegel, M.D., a certified sleep doctor at Harvard, said people who suffer from dust allergies or asthma can experience nasal blockages and airway problems.
“Asthma can interfere with the body’s circadian rhythm and tends to occur in the afternoon and evening,” he explained.
Circadian rhythm is a biological process that shows endogenous oscillations and recurs every 24 hours.
According to Cynthia Bodkin, as an expert in treating sleep problems, old mattresses can aggravate asthma.
“Sleeping on an old mattress does not directly cause asthma at night. But, it can worsen the symptoms of asthma for sufferers,” Bodkin said.
3. The appearance of mold on the bed
After eight years old, the weight of the mattress will increase because of the buildup of dust, dead skin cells and sweat.
According to Siegel, moisture and sweat can cause mold to grow on the mattress that causes allergies.
“Older mattresses can be filled with a lot of mucus that affects breathing and health,” he said.
He said, mushrooms can be allergens that are difficult to identify.
There are many types of fungi that cause allergies or make us sensitive.
4. Causes pain in the neck and back
Todd Goldman, expert in treating muscle and spinal cord disorders, pain in the neck and back is a common thing caused by old mattresses.
“Sleeping on an old mattress can suppress ligaments, tendons and spinal joints,” Goldman said.
According to Kavita Sharma, as an expert in certified bone treatment, the older the age of the mattress that we use, the mattress will be more rapur and not good for the spine.
This makes it difficult for us to maintain the correct posture during sleep.
“Maintaining the right posture is very helpful in reducing lower back pain,” Sharma said.
5. Causes stress
Based on research, the quality of sleep also affects stress and the age of the mattress used during sleep affects the quality of our sleep.
New beds can improve sleep quality and reduce back discomfort.
Stress makes many people sleep less. Conversely, lack of sleep can cause stress.
6. Interfering with memory
Sleeplessness can also interfere with the quality of memory. According to Dr. Siegel, one of the functions of sleep is to improve memory.
If we cannot sleep well at night, the memory cannot work optimally.
Stage of REM sleep is a phase of sleep that can help the brain process information optimally.
One study has proven this. The research divides the research subject into two groups, where all participants in the research are asked to do the same task.
One group is allowed to sleep before completing the task. Meanwhile, other groups were not permitted to sleep before the task was completed.
The results show that those who are able to sleep before completing the task are able to do the task better
In fact, they can remember the previous information better.
7. Causes various health problems
According to Dr. Bodkin, poor sleep skin causes daytime sleepiness, disrupts concentration, heart disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, and weight gain.
Conversely, adequate quality of sleep can prevent type 2 diabetes and manage body weight.
Dr. Siegel added that sleep is a time for sleep to do the recovery process.
Therefore, we must ensure the quality of sleep we have.
The old mattress actually makes sleep disturbed which causes various health problems.
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