Dr Wawan Mulyawan SpBS SpKP, Neurosurgeon said that moving the neck excessively was most often fatal to people who had dislocations or skyrocketing joints that connected the cervical vertebrae. Dr Wawan revealed the sound “krrkkk” that occurred after being shaved or during massage showed that excessive joint manipulation had occurred. The sound “krrkkk” by the barber, proves that there really is no dislocation or neck fracture. However, it is difficult to do the neck joints which can weaken and can cause instability of the cervix on a changeable day “So it is strongly agreed not to move the neck more, either by yourself or your friends, barber, mason, “he stressed.
Neck pain? treat with Luvina Neck Stretcher, just use the 10 minute routine for each shipment. effectively maintaining flexibility in the spine by stretching it in the ideal position. With regular use it can also help reduce clamping nerve injuries