Feeling pain in the lower back, most people immediately think of kidney disease. In fact, there are other possibilities that are the cause. Pain in the back area between the rib cage and the buttocks can be pure low backpain.
For that, a compilation of recovery experiences, the sufferer managed to escape the trigger. Low back pain (NPB) can occur due to structural problems. The presence of abnormalities or diseases of the spine is the cause. “Then, non-structural problems are usually caused by a lack of proper posture in the mechanism of spinal movements,” said Dr. Marina A Moeliono SpKFR.
NPB can attack anyone regardless of age with background. Nonstructural NPB occurs a lot in productive times. The problem generally affects those who maintain a lack of proper posture because of their activities.
It could also be due to wrong mechanics during work and activity. “Every work with a non-ergonomic posture will make someone vulnerable to NPB,” said the Head of the Functional Medical Staff / Rehabilitation Department of Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, West Java.
Errors that can be found in NPB can be pain in the area of the spine. Pain that originates from the spine and radiates to the lower limbs and aches in the muscles around the spine are also the markers. “Someone will be suspected of having kidney disease if NPB is an additional symptom of a urinary problem,” said the physician and physical medicine specialist.
“Whether at the time of NPB occurs under the age of 20 years or more than 50 years due to accidents or severe trauma, pain that is felt continuously and increasing or increasing complications of cancer and uncontrolled weight loss,” said Marina explained.
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