LORDOSIS Admin Did you know? 🤔 Lordosis is a backbone disorder that is too bent forward. This is usually caused by a sitting posture that puffs out your chest too long in the long run.  ALAT TERAPI SARAF KEJEPITKELAINAN TULANG BELAKANGLORDOSISLUVINA BACK STRETCHERLUVINA NECK STRETCHERLUVINA STRETCHERSIKAP DUDUK YANG SALAHTULANG PUNGGUNG BENGKOK Please Share This Tweet Share Plus one Pin It Related Posts “WALLET-NEUROPATHY” BACK PAIN DUE TO FREQUENTLY INSERT THE WALLET IN THE BACK POCKET OF TROUSERS Putting a thick wallet in the back pocket, as is often done by men can… SITTING FOR TOO LONG WILL TRIGGER BACK PAIN An estimated 60% of Indonesia's population has experienced low back pain during their lifetime. Sitting… BEWARE ! TEXT NECK ATTACK AFTER TOO MUCH PLAY SMARTPHONE Almost people cannot live without smartphone. But, there are dangers lurking from the frequency of…
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SITTING FOR TOO LONG WILL TRIGGER BACK PAIN An estimated 60% of Indonesia's population has experienced low back pain during their lifetime. Sitting…
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