Pregnancy is an important period that must be passed well by every pregnant mother so that the condition of the fetus in the womb can develop so that it is born in a healthy state and no less one either physically or psychologically. Every pregnant woman must certainly do various forms of business so that the condition of her pregnancy is always in a healthy state and certainly does not experience conditions that lead to pregnancy disorders. One of the taboos that develops in the community is the prohibition of pregnant women to sleep on the floor. Following are the reasons for the danger of pregnant women sleeping on the floor so that they can be considered properly: Cold symptoms, skin irritation and infections, triggering allergic reactions in pregnant women, back pain, difficult to wake yourself up, the emergence of various other health problems such as flu fever, triggers sinusitis, and may lead to a condition of lung disease. The health problems mentioned above may cause a developmental delay.
Use Luvina Healthy Latex Mattress made from natural liquid latex which is safe for health, free of bacteria & dust mites. Perfectly supports the posture during sleep & keeps the spine in an ideal position. Luvina latex mattress is highly recommended for pregnant women who are prone to back pain & have discomfort in the back. With the right level of tenderness, Luvina Latex Mattress can help prevent the position of the breech baby in the womb