When is Neck Pain Considered Seriously?
In general, the pain can be self-limited – that is, it can be reduced somewhat with simple treatments, such as paracetamol or NSAIDs with easy stretching exercises. This becomes serious when you experience one or more of the following symptoms:
a.) Limp.
This means there is actual compression of nerves with damage
on nerve fibers. If left untreated, permanent paralysis may occur.
b.) Numbness or sting.
The occasional numbness that goes away after a while may be a sign of early neuronal compression. If the numbness occurs repeatedly, it means that nerve damage has occurred and will soon be followed by muscle weakness.
c) Unable to control the bladder and disposal
This is a serious situation that must be taken to the house immediately
pain and surgery. Inability to control the bladder
urine and stool removal means that the spinal cord
or root compression of the structure has been severe, and if not treated
causing permanent disability.
d.) Pain or neck that moves continuously.
The pain of a neck sprain usually lasts for several days to one or two weeks. If the pain continues and worsens and worsens, especially if it is associated with a fall or accident. There may be undiagnosed neck bone fractures (unstable / unsteady)
e.) Pain that radiates down the arm
Radicular pain (related to the root, especially the nerves or tooth root) is caused by a pinched nerve root (usually due to a prominent disc.) At first, this may be only pain, but later, it develops into sting and a sense of weakness.